THE WORD of GOD is your anchor
THE WORD of GOD is your anchor. We all encounter periods in our lives where challenges and difficulties seem to accumulate.When this happens, this tends to have its effect on our emotions and our mood, which in turncan lead to a change in our perception of the DIVINE and of life in general. The way we feel tends to work as a lens through which we see things.This kind of hardship and these feelings of helplessness and of being discouraged, canmake it seem like the DIVINE WORLD does not have your best interest at heart (or worse,like they are out to get you). If this is the case, then the lens through which you are looking,is obscured.GOD’s WORD on the other hand tells us what ...
July 21, 2024
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We tend to underestimate the effect of “small” gestures. Sometimes people get discouragedwhen they want to make a contribution to a positive change or want to be a positiveinfluence on the world, because they are just one person. It seems like one person on theirown isn’t going to make much of a difference. In fact the opposite is true. When we give kindness and compassion or forgiveness to someone, this has an effect onthe other person, which in turn may have an influence on their choices and behavior andmay alter how they treat other people etc. We most often do not see the ultimate effect of a“small” act of kindness like smiling at someone, or helping a stranger in the street, but the effect is ...
June 20, 2024
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The ego has a desire for you to be special and it believes that being “special” is what willmake you happy. As we explained earlier, the ego understands the world in terms of comparison. The ego cannever feel contentment in the long run. Whatever you get, however the circumstanceschange, it’s never enough. It keeps making you strive for things in the external world, thingsyou need to achieve, become or acquire. This is in part because in a dual model of the world(the way the ego sees the world), there is always something which you are not, (to whichyou are an opposite) therefore you can never feel complete. The ego wants you to be better than everybody else and ultimately, it leaves you with thedesire to ...
June 20, 2024
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The ego’s understanding of “you” comes from what it understands you are NOT. The egocan only make sense of your existence in this world by comparing you to something else andworking out what the differences are. It sees a separation between what “you” are and whatthe world around you is. Because of this, it has a hard time understanding what your trueessence is, as it can only see on the external side of things. This way of understanding the world is called duality. There seems to be a separationbetween the “self” and “others”. Duality means your vision and understanding of the world isbased in opposites; hot vs cold, full vs empty,me vs them etc. The ego can only understandthe world in terms of comparison, competition ...
June 20, 2024
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Every lightworker on the planet has his or her own task. It’s impossible to make comparisons in this regard. As lightworkers, we work together for the same cause (the LIGHT), but each has his or her own role to play.The information that each lightworker receives from the DIVINE WORLD is tailored to the task and qualities that they have for this life, and also correlates with the strategic positionthey are placed in by the LIGHT.(Look at this notion as if it were tools in a toolbox; each item has its own function.) Therefore, it’s not necessary or useful as a lightworker to compare yourself to another lightworker. It’s impossible to achieve a helpful comparison and it disempowers the beauty ofyour own being and your connection ...
March 24, 2024
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